Monday 25 June 2007

Prestbury RC June 07

What a miserable day! Weather started off fine for my equitation class, which we came 1st in. We had to do a 3 loop serpentine, canter round, get off and trot the pony up, then get back on. And I thought it was equitation! Anyway I was pleased with Dolsey for not running off with me in her snaffle, and for not doing anything naughty.

Had a fairly long wait until coloured, by this time though it had poured down with the kind of rain that soaks you to the skin. Ground was awful, really slippy and muddy so I didn't push Dolsey on very much so she wouldn't slip over. We must have looked a bit rubbish, but we were pulled in second. I then did the individual show and didn't really ask her for much again, and to my surprise we stayed second.

Went in the championship and didn't get anywhere, hardly surprising though as there were some beautiful ponies in it. Kymara from my yard won that, with a gorgeous chestnut section D in reserve. We then went in the equitation championship, and didn't get anywhere in that which was a shame, I don't know what is was judged on really but theres always another time. Anyway we went back to the trailer for some photos and to get a bit more soaked before loading up and going home. The car absolutely stank of something horrible, which we later found out was my tweed jacket because the wool had got wet. Not a nice smell and it is currently drying off, making the house stink too.

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